The Market Historical

The Market Historical (HM1X87)

Location: Chichén Itzá, Yucatán Tinum
Country: Mexico
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N 20° 40.873', W 88° 34.025'

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El MercadoEs uno de los mejores ejemplos de las estructuras del tipo "galeria y patio" localizadas en el sitio, en el crual los arquitectos mayas lograron avances constructivos como las bóvedas más
anchas y las columnas más altas. Aunque no podemos señalar su función original, es evidente que está muy relacionada con la Plaza al frente, comunicada por una amplia escalinata. Cuenta con una larga galeria frontal con tres accesos hacia la plaza y uno al interior del patio hundido: cerca
de este acceso se encuentra un altar con representaciones de personajes al bajorrelieve, y bordeando el patio se localizan columnas muy altas que sostuvieron un techo de material perecedero, con declive hacia el patio hundido, drenado por un canal de piedra labrada. Corresponde al estilo Maya-Tolteca (900-1200 d.C.).Maya-Yucateco:Le Tu'ux ku Yúuchul Koonolo'Jump'éel u ma'alobil e'esajil la pak'ilo'ob "galleria y patio" wa "nojoch kúuchil u máan máak ich naj yéetel táankab" kaxta'ab te' kúuchila', tu'ux ku ye'esa'al le maaya beet najo'obo' anchaj ti'ob u ma'alobil u beet najo'ob je'ex le maas kóoch áaktuno'obo' yéetel le maas ka'anal tak'a'an tuunicho'obo'. Kex ma' tu
páajtal k a'alik u yáax meyaje', ku páajtal u yila'al jach yaan u yil yéetel le k'iiwikil yaan tu táano',
nupa'an tumen jump'éel kóoch eeb.
Yaan ti' jump'éel chowak tu'ux u máan máak ichil le najo yaan tu táan yéetel óoxp'éel u yokol máak ti' le k'iiwiko' yéetel jump'éel ti' le
táankab taamchaja'ano'; naats' ti' le okolilo' yaan jump'éel teem yéetel u ye'esajilo'obil máako'ob ma' jach tu yila'alo'ob, yeetel tu bak'pachil le táankabo' yaan ka'anal tak'a'an tuunicho'ob jach ka'analtako'ob tu kuchajo'ob ka'ach jump'éel jo'ol naj beeta'ab yéetel ba'axo'ob ku k'astal, yéetel maas kaabal ti' le táankab taamchaja'ano', ku bin u ja'il ti' le jump'éel beel ja'il t'oja'an tuunich. U betpajlile' leti' le k'aba'ata'an maya-toltecao' (900-1200 tso'o'okol ki'ichkelem yuum).English:The MarketThis is one of the best examples of the "Gallery and Courtyard" type found at the site. Here
Mayan architects made significant construction advances, as in making wider vaultings and taller columns. Although its original use cannot be properly identified, it is obvious that it was closely related to the Plaza in front, to which it is connected by a large stairway. It has a long frontal gallery with three accesses towards the plaza and one
to the interior of the sunken courtyard. Near this access there is an altar with basrelief representations of personages. Surrounding the courtyard are very tall columns which supported the roof, made of perishable materials and which sloped towards the sunken courtyard, which was drained by a cut stone canal. It was built in the Maya-Toltec style
(900-1200 A.D.).
HM NumberHM1X87
Placed ByInstituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia (INAH)
Marker ConditionNo reports yet
Date Added Saturday, March 11th, 2017 at 5:02pm PST -08:00
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UTM (WGS84 Datum)16Q E 336776 N 2287656
Decimal Degrees20.68121667, -88.56708333
Degrees and Decimal MinutesN 20° 40.873', W 88° 34.025'
Degrees, Minutes and Seconds20° 40' 52.38" N, 88° 34' 1.5" W
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Closest Postal AddressAt or near , Chichén Itzá Yucatán , MX
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