"At 8 a'clock in the morning on the 20th instant we were informed that the Yankees wereadvancing. A part of the brigade was immediatelyordered to some rifle pits hastily constructed nearat hand, the remainder forming line of battle inopen field. In this position we patiently awaitedthe coming of the foe for an hour, when our General, who is a fair man, concluded to meethalfway."
- Letter from H.W.B. Athens
Southern Banner, March 9, 1864
???Marching west, the Union forces left Barber'sPlantation at 6:00 a.m., expecting to defeat theConfederates 32 miles away in Lake City. If successful,the Union then planned to cut off railroadcommunications between east and west Florida bydestroying the railroad bridge over the Suwannee River.Little did they know they would never make it that far.
??By early afternoon the Union Cavalry had driven the Confederate cavalry westward for several miles. As theUnion neared the railroad station at Olustee,Confederate resistance grew stronger.
Here is where the bloody, four hour battle began.
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