In Memoriam
Randolph Abbott Shotwell
Late Captain, Co. I, 8th Reg.,
Va. Vols., C.S.A.
Born Dec. 13th, 1843.
in West Liberty, VA.,
Died July 31st, 1885.
in Raleigh, N.C.
( Right Side Inscription : )
A Patriot
whose honor and constancy
no sufferings could weaken,
no advantage tempt,
no loss dismay;
and in whom all the attributes of
true greatness
were so nicely adjusted, so
exactly placed,
that is was not until he had
passed into
life eternal
that men saw that he had reached
the full stature of
a man.
( Left Side Inscription : )
Three years in Battle,
from Leesburg to Cold Harbor
with Pickett's men,
and three in prison at Fort
Delaware and Albany.
( Rear Inscription : )
This monument
is erected by the people
of his adopted state
as a tribute to
a soldier
whose courage was proved in
sixteen great battles,
and who, in the midst of disaster,
captivity and defeat,
kept unshaken
his fidelity to his cause,
his country and his
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