Tavern Activities
The Brentsville Tavern depended on many people working in numerous buildings. Outbuildings likely included a dairy, a smokehouse, a laundry, and housing. The November 22, 1828 Alexandria Gazette described the lot as "?well improved, with every necessary out building?".
Archaeologists located evidence of outbuildings including a cellar and the Tavern addition. They also recovered hundreds of artifacts dating from the mid-to-late 19th century. Future excavations will likely reveal how each structure was used.
(caption for lower, left picture) Animal bones, bottle glass, metal objectes and ceramics were excavated from the cellar fill (EU 43).
What did They Find?
Archaeologists found several features identifying outbuildings. EU stands for Excavation Unit.
EU 7
This unit exposed a foundation that was only two bricks wide. It supported a wood -frae wall inside the Tavern addition.
EU 29
This unit exposed a wall of a cellar that had been filled. This candle stand was recovered from EU 43. The cellar depression is visible.
EU 41
This unit exposed a brick path and a posthole. These surround a brick-linde depression, which is still visible. It may have been an ice pit. The feature was once covered with a wooden roof supported by posts.
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