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The first credit union in the U.S. was founded here in 1908, the inspiration of Monsignor Pierre Hevey, the pastor of Sainte-Marie Parish. Monsignor Hevey sought to improve the economic stability of the French-speaking mill workers by giving them a safe and welcoming place to save and borrow money. Until 1913 the credit union was located here in the home of attorney Joseph Bolvin, its first president and manager. Initially open just evenings and holidays, the credit union grew to become of the one state's most stable financial institutions.
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La premi?re caisse populaire aux ?tats-Unis fut fond?e ici en 1908, inspiration of de abb? Pierre H?vey, cur? de la paroisse Ste-Marie, qui cherchait ? am?liorer la stabilit? et ľindependenc? ?conomiques des ouvriers francophones en leur offrant un endroit accueillant et s?curitaire pour d?poser et pour emprunter de ľargent. Jusqu'en 1913, elle avait ses bureaux ici, chez Me Joseph Bolvin, son premier prident et directeur. Ouverte au d?but uniquement en soir?e et les Jours f?ri, la caisse populaire est devenue une plus stables institutions financiers de l'?tat.
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