October 17, 1777
At Saratoga, the British campaign that was supposed to crush America's rebellion ended instead in a surrender that changed the history of the world.- Historian and author Richard Ketchum, 1997Decisively defeated in the Battles of Saratoga eight miles south of here, British General John Burgoyne surrendered his sword and his invading army to American General Horatio Gates. The world's newest nation had defeated the world's most powerful.
News of the American victory at Saratoga inspired France, Spain and The Netherlands to form alliances against Britain. Battles raged on land and sea across the globe as these European powers fought Britain, diverting her resources away from America's Revolutionary War.
America was emerging. World powers were shifting. The ideals of independence and self-governance rippled across the globe.
( Second Marker : )Over the next few years, the Hudson-Hoosic Partnership, in collaboration with Saratoga National Historical Park and Friends of the Saratoga Battlefield, will be working with community partners to create a memorial setting here - the land upon which one of the most significant events in America's Revolutionary War took place.
Held in private hands since the Revolution, this property was placed on the open market in 2009. It was purchased by NY Open Space Institute so it would be dedicated and forever conserved for public education and enjoyment. The site will be linked to Saratoga National Historical Park by the ?Old Champlain Canal Tow Path.' The Hudson-Hoosic Partnership plans to have the site incorporated into Saratoga National Historical Park's boundary.
A cultural resource study was undertaken and a site development plan was completed (see below). Friends of Saratoga Battlefield are leading a capitol campaign to raise funds for site amenities including a cannon, worm fencing, paved walkways (with names of donors), signage, pathways, and a memorial wall. If you can help this effort, please visit
www.friendsosb,com or call
518-670-2980 for information about this project.
Project Partners
Open Space Institute
Hudson-Hoosic Partnership
Town of Saratoga
Lakes to Locks Passage
Natural Heritage Trust
Friends of Saratoga Battlefield
Alfred Z. Solomon Foundation
National Society of the Children of the American Revolution
Saratoga Associates
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