This plaque marks the site of the home of
Columbus Horatio Hall
1846 - - - - - 1928
Famed Professor of Greek and Latin at Franklin College and upon two occasions its acting President, Columbus H. Hall was one of its most beloved and illustrious sons, Pastor and leader of Indiana Baptists, He gave more than half a century to the building of the Denomination and this College.
Here were born to him and his devoted wife Theodosia Parks Hall, 1874, children of remarkable talent, Mary Griswold Hall Selby, 1901, Zoe Hall, Ex 1902, Arnold Bennett Hall, 1904, Letitia Hall Carter, 1903, Warren Short Hall, 1912, Nelson Clarence Hall, 1918, Marguerite Hall Albjerg, 1915, and Florence Unristine Hall Bender, 1924, all but one graduates of Franklin College.
For fifty four years a loyal and active member of the Franklin College Chapter of Phi Delta Theta, Dr. Hall inspired generations of students to adhere to the ennobling principles and high ideals of College Fraternities.
Erected in His memory
by Indiana Delta of
Phi Delta Thetaupon the occasion of its
Centennial Celebration
April 28, 1980
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