Inang Laya Monument

Inang Laya Monument (HM1AHN)

Location: Olongapo, Central Luzon 12117 Zambales
Country: Philippines

N 14° 49.022', E 120° 16.822'

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"The Hands That Freed the Nation"

Inang Laya - Mother Country —

Let the Dozen Hands pay tribute to the Magnificent Twelve Senators of the Republic of the Philippines who on September 16, 1991, stood up and declared "NO" to the RP US Military Bases Treaty, thus finally ending more than four centuries of foreign military presence in the country.

Let the image of INANG LAYA - MOTHER COUNTRY now unbound and standing proudly be the embodiment of the generation of Filipinos who kept the flames of freedom ablaze during the bleakest moments in history from the Philippine Revolution of 1896 this ended in the centuries of colonial to the People Power Movement in 1986, that releases from the shackles of dictatorship, the Filipino people unveiled through sheer determination and perserverance.

Let the bird in flight signify the triumph of Filipino spirit-hope times of uncertainty courage in the face of adversity faith in God and Country compassion towards others and readiness to overcome obstacle.

This monument is dedicated to the hands passed and present that liberated the nation to the hands linked in unity as a people and in solidarity with the community of nations. To the hands extended to the others for peace and goodwill to the hands that continue to guard Inang Laya from Oppression and to the hand from where our collective and aspiration take flight
Series This marker is part of the Markers Attached to Sculpture series
Year Placed1992
Placed BySubic Bay Metropolitan Authority
Marker ConditionNo reports yet
Date Added Saturday, September 13th, 2014 at 1:17pm PDT -07:00
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UTM (WGS84 Datum)51P E 207275 N 1639866
Decimal Degrees14.81703333, 120.28036667
Degrees and Decimal MinutesN 14° 49.022', E 120° 16.822'
Degrees, Minutes and Seconds14° 49' 1.32" N, 120° 16' 49.32" E
Driving DirectionsGoogle Maps
Area Code(s)518
Closest Postal AddressAt or near 224-326 Waterfront Road, Olongapo Central Luzon 12117, PH
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