The Plano congregation of the church was organized on April 21, 1861, and met at the home of Elder James Horton. In May 1868, church members passed a resolution to build a church. In a show of support and encouragement, townspeople contributed liberally to the endeavor and a local merchant donated the land. Plano Stone Church was completed and dedicated in November 1868. The pews and pulpit, made from native lumber by church members, are still in use.
Joseph Smith III (church president and prophet from 1860-1914) and his family lived in Plano from 1866-1881. The Plano Stone Church served as headquarters for the denomination during that time. Fourteen General Conferences of the church were hosted here. Plano was also home to Herald Publishing House, and numerous church publications were published here, including the Saints' Herald, Joseph Smith's translation of the Bible, the 1874 edition of the Book of Mormon, and the first Zion's Hope.
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