These docks, the largest in the world, consist of three structures of concrete and steel. The longest dock is 2244 feet long, 80 feet high, and contains 374 individual pockets which can hold 100,000 long tons of ore, or 7 average trains of 205 cars each. Ore is hauled 100 miles from Minnesota mines.
The first dock was built of timber in 1892. The first cargo consisting of 2073 long tons of ore was shipped in Whaleback Barge No. 102 on November 11, 1892. Over one billion tons of ore have been shipped through these docks, the largest year's shipment being 32.3 million tons in 1953.
In 1967 a conveyor belt system was installed for moving taconite pellets from trains to dock pockets. In the early years as many as 400-500 men worked on the docks; with modern equipment and reduced volume of ore, less than 140 men are now required.
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