Cobham's 2nd Brigade
— Geary's 2nd Division —
Twenty Ninth Regiment,
Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry,
Colonel William Richards, Junior, Commanding.
Cobham's Brigade, Geary's Division.
Slocum's Twelfth Corps.
Hooker's Detachment
From the Army of the Potomac.Twenty-ninth Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry.This regiment was the picket of Geary's White Star Division on the night of October 28th, 1863, at Wauhatchie, and received the first attack of Hood's force upon that Division about mid-night. It participated in the Battle of Wauhatchie, which lasted nearly three hours. Early on the morning of November 24th, 1863, the regiment led the advance of Hooker's assault on Lookout Mountain, crossing Lookout Creek at Light's Mill, about three miles south of this point at the base of the mountain. Ascended up the mountain to the palisades, then facing north advanced toward the left flank of the Confederate line nearly two miles distant. Assisted in forcing the enemy from his works , finally reaching this point, the highest then accessible. The regiment continued the attack on the narrow ledge to the left of this tablet, reaching a point five hundred yards south, holding it until relieved at 9:30 P.M. to replenish ammunition. During the night the enemy retired from the mountain across the valley to Missionary Ridge. The next morning, November 25, 1863, the Battle of Missionary Ridge opened on the extreme left. The regiment descended the mountain, crossed the valley directly east of this point and joined in the assault on Missionary Ridge, breaking the enemy's line and reaching the crest about 6 P.M. On November 27th, 1863, the regiment became engaged at Ringgold in pursuit of Bragg's Army, advanced across the open field in front of the depot, and took part in the engagement until its close.
The regiment returned to its camp near Wauhatchie
December 1, 1863.
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