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Brigadier General Birkett Davenport Fry, CSA
Born Virginia; educated VMI and West Point; fought in Mexico; practiced law in California; married Alabamian whose family owned the Tallassee cotton mill; served as general in Walker's ill-fated filibustering in Nicaragua; then returned to manage Tallassee mill. Colonel of th 13th Alabama Infantry in 1861; wounded in four different battles including Gettysburg where he commanded a brigade; promoted to Brigadier General May 1864. Following the War, he lived in Cuba, Florida, Alabama, and Virginia. President of Richmond cotton mill until his death there in 1891. Body returned to Montgomery to be buried beside his wife. (over)
(side 2)
Colonel B.D. Fry at Battle of Gettysburg
July 1, 1863; Fry placed in command of Archer's Brigade of Alabama and Tennessee troops following Archer's capture. His brigade was on the right of Pettigrew's Division and to the left of Pickett's, the brigade of direction for the assault across the wheat field on July 3. Bravely leading his brigade up Cemetery Ridge under galling artillery and small~arms fire, he was wounded in the shoulder and thigh before being captured by the Federals. His troops reached the stone wall were his regimental color bearer stabbed and enemy soldier with his flag staff. Paroled in '64 and promoted, he served until War's end. (over)
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