Interlocking Defenses

Interlocking Defenses (HM1BTN)

Location: Marietta, GA 30064 Cobb County
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N 33° 56.637', W 84° 35.87'

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Kennesaw Mountain National Battlefield Park

This artillery redoubt protected part of Maj. Gen. Patrick R. Cleburne's Confederate division. From here Southern trenches zigzagged to the left and right for miles, with cannon batteries placed at key positions. These defense lines could produce a devastating crossfire, more destructive than direct frontal fire.

The Texas brigade that built these earthworks exchanged skirmish fire with Federal troops for a week before the battle. One Texan wrote in his diary, "The bullets go zip zip over our breastworks day and night, making the men bow their heads."

On June 27, the Federals launched their main assault at the center of the Confederate defenses—½ mile to the left—to try to split the Southern army there. The Confederates were ready.

Civil War earthworks were often built at angles so that defenders could shoot at an attacker's flank.
Placed ByNational Park Service
Marker ConditionNo reports yet
Date Added Wednesday, September 10th, 2014 at 12:02am PDT -07:00
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UTM (WGS84 Datum)16S E 722005 N 3758540
Decimal Degrees33.94395000, -84.59783333
Degrees and Decimal MinutesN 33° 56.637', W 84° 35.87'
Degrees, Minutes and Seconds33° 56' 38.22" N, 84° 35' 52.20" W
Driving DirectionsGoogle Maps
Area Code(s)678, 404, 770
Closest Postal AddressAt or near 2-98 Cheatham Hill Dr, Marietta GA 30064, US
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