Don't Tread on Me

Don't Tread on Me (HM1DWU)

Location: Birmingham, AL 35203 Jefferson County
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N 33° 30.989', W 86° 48.858'

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A female protestor remained defiant as police drag her away from a demonstration in Birmingham's nearby retail district. Activists in Birmingham—led for seven years by Rev. Fred Shuttlesworth before the 1963 Birmingham Campaign—put their lives on the line to rebel against the City's unjust and unconstitutional segregation laws. One such law, City Code Section 369, said, ?It shall be unlawful to conduct a restaurant in the city at which White and Colored people are served in the same room...." Many Blacks march to the retail district to protest such laws with sit-ins and boycotts of downtown stores. There, some whites spit on or verbally attack the protestors; but the non-violent protestors do not strike back.
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Date Added Friday, September 12th, 2014 at 3:01am PDT -07:00
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UTM (WGS84 Datum)16S E 517245 N 3708562
Decimal Degrees33.51648333, -86.81430000
Degrees and Decimal MinutesN 33° 30.989', W 86° 48.858'
Degrees, Minutes and Seconds33° 30' 59.34" N, 86° 48' 51.48" W
Driving DirectionsGoogle Maps
Area Code(s)205
Closest Postal AddressAt or near 551-599 16th St N, Birmingham AL 35203, US
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