Bel exemple des d?buts du n?o-gothique, la basilique Saint-Patrick fut b?tie entre 1843 et 1847 pour la communaut? irlandaise de Montr?al. Con?ue par Pierre-Louis Morin et le p?re F?lix Martin, elle combine la simplicit? de l'architecture qu?b?coise traditionnelle ? un int?rieur dont l'?l?gance ?voque l'esprit de l'architecture fran?aise au Moyen ?ge. Son riche ameublement, oeuvre de l'architecte William Doran, a ?t? ex?cut? dans les ann?es 1890. Source d'aide mat?rielle et spirituelle pour les immigrants irlandais de l'?poque au Canada, cette ?glise demeure ch?re aux Irlandais catholiques de Montr?al
A fine early example of Gothic Revival architecture, Saint Patrick's Basilica was erected between 1843 and 1847 for the city's Irish community. Designed by Pierre-Louis Morin and Father F?lix Martin, this church combines the simplicity of traditional Quebec architecture with an interior space whose elegance evokes the spirit of French medieval design. The rich furnishings, the work of architect William Doran, were executed in the 1890s. A source of physical and spiritual support to Irish immigrants to Canada, Saint Patrick's remains dear to the heart of Montr?al's Irish Catholic population.
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