(Top Front Panel)
Lieut. Frank Baldwin
Killed in battle at Stone River
December 31st, 1862.
Aged 18 yrs.
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Erected by Silas Baldwin in honor of the heroes who fought and the martyrs who fell in the War of 1861-1865
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Let us have peace.
Soldiers of the United States.
???Your marches, sieges and battles in distance, duration, resolution and brilliancy of results, dim the lustre of the world past military achievements.
???Ulysses S. Grant
(Rear Panel)
We are many states but one people. Having one government, one flag, and one common destiny.
???Oliver P. Morton
The American citizen soldier, brave in war eminent as a statesman, admirable as a citizen.
???John A. Logan
(Left Side Panel)
With malice toward none, with charity for all, to bind up the nation wounds, to care for him who shall have borne the battle, and for his widow and his orphan.
???Abraham Lincoln
God reigns and the government of Washington still lives.
???James A. Garfield
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