Brown's Brigade

Brown's Brigade (HM1G0A)

Location: Chickamauga, GA 30707 Catoosa County
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N 34° 55.279', W 85° 15.667'

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Stewart's Division

— Buckner's Corps. —

Brown's Brigade.

Stewart's Division - Buckner's Corps.

Colonel Edmund C. Cook.

September 20, 1863, 11 A.M., 2d Position

18th Tennessee - Captain Gideon H. Lowe.

26th Tennessee - Major Richard M. Saffell.

32d Tennessee - Captain Calaway G. Tucker.

45th Tennessee - Colonel Anderson Searcy.

23d Tennessee Battalion - Captain W.P. Simpson.

T.H. Dawson's (Georgia) Battery - Lieutenant R.W. Anderson.

About 11 o'clock the Brigade with Wood's on its right moved forward from its position beyond the first crest east of this position. Upon reaching the open ground it came under a terrific fire from the troops of Brannan's line posted behind barricades of rails and stone west of the Poe place, and from an enfilading fire from the infantry and artillery of Reynolds' Division near the north end of the field. The left of the Brigade crossed the road but after severe fighting was repulsed with heavy loss. It then withdrew to its morning line and remained unengaged until the general advance shortly before sundown. Strength in action 1440 officers and men, Casualties: killed 50; wounded 426; missing 4; total 480; percentage of loss 33.3.
HM NumberHM1G0A
Placed ByChickamauga and Chattanooga National Military Park
By Dale K. Benington, August 7, 2014
2. Brown's Brigade MarkerView, looking north, of the historical marker, situated along the western side of the Lafayette Road.  Marker ConditionNo reports yet Date Added Sunday, October 19th, 2014 at 7:30am PDT -07:00
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UTM (WGS84 Datum)16S E 658836 N 3865697
Decimal Degrees34.92131667, -85.26111667
Degrees and Decimal MinutesN 34° 55.279', W 85° 15.667'
Degrees, Minutes and Seconds34° 55' 16.74" N, 85° 15' 40.02" W
Driving DirectionsGoogle Maps
Area Code(s)706
Which side of the road?Marker is on the right when traveling South
Closest Postal AddressAt or near 26 Poe Rd, Chickamauga GA 30707, US
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