Arrondissement Historique de St. Andrews
Founded by Loyalists in 1783, St. Andrews is a fine and rare surviving example of a Canadian town whose plan and character clearly reflect its 18th-century origins. The town retains the four key elements of a British colonial settlement of that period; a gridiron plan, provision for public spaces, well-defined sites for defensive works, and a common area surrounding the original townsite to provide a clear delineation between settled and non-settled area. St. Andrews is further distinguished by its fine collection of commercial and residential buildings spanning the town history, the majority of which feature design motifs inspired by British classicism. The earliest of these buildings date to the era of the founding of the town and are of wood construction with simple exterior testaments. As the local economy matured, new houses were more elaborately embellished, and the largest and most expensive were constructed of brick. The consistent use of classical architectural features, the retention of the original street layout, and the division of the town blocks into generously sized lots have resulted in a community with a distinctive appearance and a strong sense of place.
Fond?e par les Loyaliste en 1783, St. Andrews constitue, par son plan et son caract?re, l?une des rares villes du XVIIIᵉ si?cle qui sont aussi bien conserv?e au Canada. Elle poss?de toujours les quatre ?l?ments-cl des ?tablissements des colonies britanniques de l??poque : un plan en ?chiquier, des espaces publics, des ouvrages d?fensifs bien d?finis et des aires communes en p?riph?rie s?parant les zones habit?es de celles no habit?es. St. Andrews poss?de aussi de beaux ?difices commerciaux et ridentiels, pour la plupart d?inspiration classique britannique. Les plus anciens, en bois et d?une grande simplicit? ext?rieure, datent de la fondation de la ville. Au fur et ? mesure que l??conomie locale a prosp?r?, des maisons plus ornement?es ont ?t? construites, dont les plus grandes et les plus cossues ?taient en brique. L?omnipresence du vocabulaire architectural classique, la prervation du trac? d?origine des rues et la division des ?lots en terrains aux dimensions g?n?reuses ont produit une communaut? d?allure distinctive d?gageant une atmosph?re particuli?rement remarquable.
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