Scottish Strength

Scottish Strength (HM1GV6)

Location: Saint John, New Brunswick E2L 0A1 Saint John County
Country: Canada
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N 45° 16.357', W 66° 3.761'

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La puissance ?cossaise


Saint John has a strong Scottish presence. The breakup of the clan system in the late 18th century caused massive emigration from the Highlands. As a result, some 25 percent of the population has Scottish ancestry. Scottish influence is found throughout Greater Saint John in the names of streets and neighbourhoods such as MacKay Highway, McLaren Boulevard, ad the community of Upper Loch Lomond.

Saint John is home to Canada oldest Saint Andrew Society, which held it first meeting on March 8, 1798. William Pagan, a successful merchant and politician was elected president - the first in a long line of prominent citizens at the helm, including mayors, chief justices, and lieutenant-governors. Among them was Robert Foulis, famous for inventing the world first steam fog alarm, which was installed at Partridge Island in 1859.

The Saint Andrew Society two principal tenets - benevolent assistance to the natives of Scotland and their descendants, and support of Scottish culture - remain strong today. The Society opened Saint Andrew House, a senior citizens? apartment complex, in 1992. Saint Andrew Day is celebrated annually with a gala that features traditional dress, music, fare, and , of course, the famous haggis , made of sheep or calf heart, liver, etc., and minced with oatmeal, suet, and onions boiled in the animal stomach. And of course the annual Robbie Burns Night continues to pay hommage to Scottish ancestry.


Saint John se caract?rise par un forte prence ?cossaise. ? la suite de la desagr?gation du syst?me clanique, fin du XVIIIᵉ si?cle, la population des Highlands emigre massivement. De nos jours, environ 25% des habitants de la ville ont des anc?tres ?cossais. L?influence ?cossaise est visible dans tout le Grand Saint John, dans les noms de rues et de quartiers, come route Mackay, boulevard McLaren ou Upper Loch Lomond.

La plus ancienne Saint Andrew Society du Canada, dont la premi?re r?union a eu lieu le 8 mars 1798, a ?t? fond?e ? Saint John. William Pagan, un politicien et commer?ant prosp?re, est la premier d?une longue lign?e de pridents comptant de maires, de juges en chef et des lieutenants-gouverneurs. Parmi eux se trouve Robert Foulis, le c?l?bre inventeur du premier sifflet de brune ? vapeur, install? sur l?ile Partridge en 1859.

Les deux principaux credo de la Saint Andrew Society, la solidarit? envers les personnes originaires d??cosse et leur descendants et la promotion de la culture ?cossaise, sont toujours vivaces. En 1992, la soci?t? ouvre Saint Andrew House, un ensemble d?habitations pour personnes ?g?es. La journ?e de la Saint Andrew est f?t?e chaque ann?e par un gala o? la tradition est reprent?e par les tenues vestimentaires, la musique, et la cuisine et, bien entendu, le c?l?bre haggis fait d?abats (foie, poumons et coeur) de mouton ou de veau hach avec de flocons d?avoine, de suif et des onglons et bouillis dans la panse de la b?te. Tout cela sans oublier la Robbie Burns Night qui, chaque ann?e, rend hommage aux anc?tres ?cossais.
HM NumberHM1GV6
Marker ConditionNo reports yet
Date Added Monday, October 6th, 2014 at 3:37pm PDT -07:00
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UTM (WGS84 Datum)19T E 730404 N 5017433
Decimal Degrees45.27261667, -66.06268333
Degrees and Decimal MinutesN 45° 16.357', W 66° 3.761'
Degrees, Minutes and Seconds45° 16' 21.42" N, 66° 3' 45.66" W
Driving DirectionsGoogle Maps
Which side of the road?Marker is on the right when traveling East
Closest Postal AddressAt or near 2-38 Water St, Saint John New Brunswick E2L 0A1, CA
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