The Welsford Parker Monument

The Welsford Parker Monument (HM1H2K)

Location: Halifax, Nova Scotia 14001 Halifax Regional Municipality
Country: Canada
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N 44° 38.61', W 63° 34.348'

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Le Monument Welsford-Parker

This monument was erected in 1860 in memory of Major A.F. Welsford and Captain W.B.C.A. Parker. These two Halifax men both perished during the Crimean War. In September of 1855 they participated in the assault on the Great Redan, part of the eastern defenses of Sebastopol.

George Laing is credited with contracting this rare pre-Confederation war memorial. Laing also built the Federal Building in Halifax (now restored as the Art Gallery of Nova Scotia). Funds for the construction were raised through public subscription and a grant from the Nova Scotia Government.


Ce monument a ?t? ?rig? en 1860 ? la m?moire de commandant A.F. Welsford et du capitaine W.B.C.A. Parker. Ces deux hommes d?Halifax ont perdu la vie pendant la Guerre de Crim?e. En septembre 1855, ils ont particip? ? l?assaut du Grand Redan, une partie des d?fenses orientales de S?bastopol.

Ce monument est, semble-t-il, l?oeuvre de George Laing. Il s?agit d?un des rares monuments aux morts construits avant la Conf?d?ration. Laing a aussi construit d??difice f?d?ral (maintenant la Galerie des beaux-arts de la Nouvelle-?cosse). Une campagne de souscription et un octroi du gouvernement de la Nouvelle-?cosse ont fourni les fonds n?cessaires ? la construction du monument.
HM NumberHM1H2K
Placed ByOld Burying Ground Foundation
Marker ConditionNo reports yet
Date Added Saturday, October 18th, 2014 at 12:15am PDT -07:00
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UTM (WGS84 Datum)20T E 454601 N 4943508
Decimal Degrees44.64350000, -63.57246667
Degrees and Decimal MinutesN 44° 38.61', W 63° 34.348'
Degrees, Minutes and Seconds44° 38' 36.6" N, 63° 34' 20.88" W
Driving DirectionsGoogle Maps
Area Code(s)716, 585
Closest Postal AddressAt or near 1460 Barrington St, Halifax Nova Scotia 14001, CA
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