Après l'échec de l'insurrection de 1837, des membres du parti des patriotes, rassembles aux États-Unis sous la conduite de Robert Nelson, proclamèrent la République du Bas-Canada et tentèrent de renverser le gouvernement. L'invasion de 1838, médiocrement organisée et mal ravitaillée, fut un échec. Le 8 novembre, l'armée se replia sur Odelltown. Les 9 et 10 novembre, elle attaqua la milice d'Odelltown mais celle-ci, soutenue par des renforts, la repoussa. Nelson s'échappa mais la dispersion de ses forces mit fin à l'aventure.
Following the failure of the 1837 rebellion, a faction of the patriote party gathered in the United States under the leadership of Robert Nelson to proclaim the Republic of Lower Canada and plot the overthrow of the government. Their invasion in 1838, however, was a fiasco, largely due to poor planning and inadequate supplies, and on November 8 the rebel force retreated toward Odelltown. On November 9 and 10 they attacked the defending militia, but were finally repulsed by reinforcements. Although Nelson escaped, the subsequent dispersal of his men virtually ended the insurrection.
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