Bar Harbor, Maine

Bar Harbor, Maine (HM1HGY)

Location: Bar Harbor, ME 04609 Hancock County
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N 44° 23.467', W 68° 12.243'

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The Museum in the Streets

Agamont Park is named after the Agamont House, built by Tobias Roberts in 1857 as Bar Harbor's first hotel. It burned down in 1888. The unusual name was supposedly given by his granddaughter who called this hill on the water "Aqua Mont." Many early American artists from the Hudson River School, founded by Thomas Cole who came here as early as 1844, rented rooms in the Agamont and sketched or painted on the island. Artist and painter Frederic Church was the first person to sign the guest registers at the Agamont. His exhibitions in 1850 and 1852 at the New York Art Union initially informed some of the first "rusticators" or summer people about the beauty of Mount Desert Island. Maitland Armstrong's famous painting of Bar Island, reproduced on Panel #3, hangs in the Chicago Museum of Art.

Le Parc Agamont Tire Son Nom du manoir Agamont construit par T. Roberts en 1857 pour etre le premier hotel de Bar Harbor. Il brule en 1888. Son nom etrange lui aurait ete donne par la petite fille de Roberts qui baptise cette colline surplombant la mer Aqua Mont. De nombreux artistes americains de l'ecole de Hudson River, fondee par T. Cole en villegiature ici des 1844, louent des chambres a l'Agamont pour dessiner et peindre sur l'ile. L'artiste peintre F. Church est le premier a signer le registre de l'hotel Agamont. Ses expositions de 1850 et 1852 a l'Art Union de New York ont initie certains des premiers estivants "rusticateurs" a la beaute de l'ile du Mont Desert. La toile celebre de Bar Island par Maitland Armstrong se trouve au musee d'art de Chicago.

Marker Number27
Year Placed2013
Placed ByThe Museum in the Streets.
Marker ConditionNo reports yet
Date Added Wednesday, September 17th, 2014 at 10:06pm PDT -07:00
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UTM (WGS84 Datum)19T E 563393 N 4915622
Decimal Degrees44.39111667, -68.20405000
Degrees and Decimal MinutesN 44° 23.467', W 68° 12.243'
Degrees, Minutes and Seconds44° 23' 28.02" N, 68° 12' 14.58" W
Driving DirectionsGoogle Maps
Area Code(s)207
Which side of the road?Marker is on the right when traveling East
Closest Postal AddressAt or near 1 West St, Bar Harbor ME 04609, US
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