arrived in Baddeck in 1835. It is believed he was sent from Halifax by the executors of the estate of the late James Duffus in order to settle up his business affairs. Young Mr. Kidston, it is said, fell "madly in love" with the widow Duffus & they were married in 1836. The Kidstons had three children, William Jr., Isabella, and Archibald.
It was William Kidston who made the Village of Baddeck. He had all the property surveyed and divided into building lots which he sold as the people began to settle here. He advocated for the separation of the county whereby, Victoria County was created in 1851 (previously a part of Cape Breton County), he provided a site for a court house & jail, the property for Greenwood Church, and also, a lot of land for the site of the Masonic Lodge.
In 1840, he moved his business from the island & established new quarters along the waterfront of the mainland along with building a new residence.
The island has had four names. It was first known as Mutton Island, then Duke of Kent Island, thirdly Duffus Island & finally Kidston Island, the name it still bears.
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