Corrals have stood on this site since 1855. The current rock corrals were built in 1877 to replace older ones that burned. These structures housed horses and mules necessary for Cavalry and freighting operations. When the hospital took over Fort Stanton, it began a dairy and ranching operation and added to the buildings surrounding the corrals. A granary, milk house, dairy, and silos were added to support the operation. Fort Stanton produced most of the food it consumed and even supplied other facilities.
"The men (Co's B and D of the Regiment of Mounted Rifles)
March and maneuver well on foot, less so mounted,
Because many of them ride indifferently."
"The horses are generally indifferent, 77 are reported serviceable ... 17 have served 8 years; 19, 7 years; 2, 5 years; 13, 4 years; 10, 3 years & 15, 2 years. 48 have just been received from Fort Leavenworth."
Lt. Col. Joseph E. Johnston, September 21, 1859
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