(side 1)
Confederates in Tennessee under Gen. E. Kirby Smith planned an invasion of the Blue Grass area. Finding Cumberland Gap protected, they entered through Rogers' Gap, heading to Lexington. US Gen. Wm. Nelson sent Gens. M.D. Manson and Charles Cruft to oppose the invasion. The 2 armies, US 77,000, CSA 5,000 confronted each other 6 mi. below Richmond. See Over.
(side 2)
On Aug. 30, 1862, CSA forces repulsed the enemy in three separate engagements. Confederate Gens. T. Churchill and P. Cleburne and Cols. P. Smith and John Scott led in battles at Mt. Zion Church, White's Farm, and at Richmond. The total dead, wounded, missing of both sides was 5,804. Federals retreated and scattered. The CSA moved on to Lexington. See Over.
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