This school was originally located NE of Creston in Lincoln township. It was built in 1872 and was operated until closing in 1966 due to a reo[r]ganization of schools mandated by State law. It was then purchased by the Union County Historical Society and moved to McKinley Park by A. V. Boyd and Sons. It is being preserved so that future generations may see the crude beginnings of the three R's
One teacher taught all grades from kindergarten through eig[h]th grade, and taught all subjects including Art, P.E. and Music. School hours were from 9:00 to 4:00. Often there were only one or two pupils in a grade, but they all played together before school, at noon and recess as on[e] big happy family.
Water was obtained from a well located on the school grounds. A water cooler held the water inside and each student had his own cup. All students brought their sack lunch to school. Weather permitting, they would eat outside in the spring and fall. Pot-bellied stoves were used in earlier times using wood and coal for fuel. Kerosene lamps were used before electricity came around.
Usually one program was given each year by the pupils. Songs were sung, pieces were spoken, and plays performed. Often to raise money for school needs, box socials, pay suppers, and spelling bees were held, bringing fun to everyone and some social life to the community.
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