Following these sanguinary Battle of July 22, 1864, enemy entrenched himself to the east and south of Atlanta. Then began the long and fearful siege which, lasting for six weeks, was veritably a reign of terror. From batteries planted upon the neighboring hills, a fire of heavy artillery with open. Shells were thrown into the city were helpless women and children were exposed to this leaden hell of the Inferno.
But, with a heroism worthy of Sparta, the inhabitants stood the supreme test. According to General Hood: "The bombardment of the city continued until 25 August. It was painful yet strange to mark how expert grew the old man, women and children in building their little underground fort, into which to fly for safety during the storm of shell and shot. Often, mid the darkness of night, where they constrained to seek refuge in those dungeons beneath the earth. Albeit, I cannot recall one word from their lips expressive of dissatisfaction or willingness to surrender."
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