San Pedro las Huertas Catholic Church

San Pedro las Huertas Catholic Church (HM1OB7)

Location: San Pedro Las Huertas, Sacatepéquez
Country: Guatemala
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N 14° 31.837', W 90° 44.382'

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1672 1972
Las hermandades religiosas y el pueblo de San Pedro las Huertas de la Antigua Guatemala en homenaje al tri centenario de la edificacion de la Iglesia Catolica celebran con jubilo esta fecha memorable y que viva en mente de las proximas generaciones.
13 de agosto de 1972
English translation:
1672 1972
The religious associations and people of San Pedro las Huertas of Antigua Guatemala provide this tribute to the 300th anniversary of the construction of this Catholic church and celebrate with joy this memorable date and hope that it live in the memory of future generations
August 13, 1972
HM NumberHM1OB7
Year Placed1972
Marker ConditionNo reports yet
Date Added Tuesday, September 29th, 2015 at 1:01pm PDT -07:00
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UTM (WGS84 Datum)15P E 743576 N 1607617
Decimal Degrees14.53061667, -90.73970000
Degrees and Decimal MinutesN 14° 31.837', W 90° 44.382'
Degrees, Minutes and Seconds14° 31' 50.22" N, 90° 44' 22.92" W
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Closest Postal AddressAt or near Unnamed Road, San Pedro Las Huertas Sacatepéquez , GT
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