As you drive through Bradford County you will see the patch-quilt of beauty of agriculture's landscape. Agriculture in Bradford County has a long history of managing land and water resources to ensure both a profitable crop and a healthy environment. Below you will find explanations of conservation practices and natural resources seen from this vista and throughout the County.
1. Contour Strip CroppingContour strips add an artistic touch to our landscape. Crops that completely cover the soil are grown in alternating 100 foot wide strips with row crops. The grass strips slow runoff, decreasing soil erosion which occurs mostly where row crops leave soil exposed.
2. DiversionsMany hundreds of miles of diversion ditches have been installed in Bradford County. These permanently vegetated channels intercept surface water and slow runoff for transport in a non-erosive manner. Diversions are often constructed on long, sloping fields and up slope of building and animal holding area.
3. Barnyard Runoff ControlRunoff from barnyards will contain high amounts of sediment and nutrients. This runoff can be filters naturally through grass.
4. Manure Storage SystemsManure storage facilities can be seen on farms all around the County. Storages improve efficiency by allowing farmers to spread manure when risk of runoff is low and crops can use the nutrients. Manure handling is often made simpler and cleaner.
5. Stream Buffers Natural stream-side buffers add to the beauty of our streams. Corridors of vegetation including grasses, shrubs and trees provide wildlife cove while cooling water, naturally stabilizing banks and filtering sediment and nutrients in runoff.
6. Stream Bank StabilizationMuch of the sediment entering our waters comes from eroding stream banks. Rocks protect the river bank from erosion at his public boat access in Terrytown. Many stream banks with rock or concrete protection can be seen on your drive through Bradford County.
7. ForestryThe forest is one of Bradford County's most prized natural resources. 50% of the land in Bradford County is forested. Most of this is privately owned, making landowner education of prime importance. Pennsylvania is a world leader in hardwood timber production and sales including native species of maple, ash, cherry, and oak.
The "Mighty Susquehanna"...*Travels 447 miles and drains 13 million acres of Otsego Lake near Cooperstown, New York to Harve de Grace, Maryland, where it enters the Chesapeake Bay. *Provides 50% of the Chesapeake Bay's fresh water at about 20 million gallons per minute. *Drains every field, forest, street and backyard in Bradford County.
The Chesapeake Bay, one of America's richest ecosystems, is depended upon for water, income and recreation. The Bay's health is determined by each resident, developer and land manager in the watershed.
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