En este edificio se fundaron los gruposde orientación revolucionariaprecursores del movimiento de 1910: Centro antirreeleccionista de Méxicoy Partido Nacionalista DemócraticoSu propietario entonces, el Sr. Ing. Alfredo Robles Domínguezdió en hipoteca la finca, sin que pudierarescatarla después, para cooperarpecuniariamente al nacimientoy desarrollo de la Revolución Mexicana,En el centro y sur de la República,por comisión que le confirió el Sr.Francisco I. Madero. 19-V-1909 15-IV-1943English translation:In this building, the first groups with a revolutionary orientation and considered to be the precursors of the movement of 1910 were founded:The Anti-Reelection Center and the Nationalist Democratic PartyIts owner at that time, Alfredo Robles Domínguezmortgaged the property and was not able to ever recover it later, as his way of cooperating financially with the birth and development of the Mexican Revolutionin the center and south of the Republic under a commission that was given to him by Francisco I. Madero. May 19, 1909 - April 15, 1943
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