Fugitives Drift Memorial

Fugitives Drift Memorial (HM1Q5D)

Location: , KwaZulu-Natal (South) Umzinyathi DC
Country: South Africa
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S 28° 23.182', E 30° 36.08'

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Melvill and Coghill Monument

Upper Marker, Front:
For Queen and Country
Jesu Mercy

Upper Marker, Reverse:
In memory of Lt. and Adjt. Teignmoth Melvill and Lt. Neville J. A. Coghill, 1st., 24th. Regiment who died on this spot 22nd. Jan, 1879 to save the Queen's Color of their regiment.

This cross replaces the original, which was damaged beyond repair.
S. A. Wargraves Board - 1973

Lower Marker:

In memory of
Lt. and Adjt. T. Melvill, V.C.
Lt. N. J. A. Coghill, V. C.

The posthumous award of the Victoria Cross was graciously approved by King Edward VII in 1907

The cross adjacent to the lower marker reads the same as the reverse side of the main marker. The base of the cross reads:
This cross was erected over the grave by Sir Bartle Frere in 1879.
HM NumberHM1Q5D
Year Placed1879
Placed BySir Bartle Frere. Replaced in 1973 by S. A. Wargraves Board
Marker ConditionNo reports yet
Date Added Sunday, December 20th, 2015 at 1:01pm PST -08:00
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UTM (WGS84 Datum)25J E 735034 N 6857656
Decimal Degrees-28.38636667, 30.60133333
Degrees and Decimal MinutesS 28° 23.182', E 30° 36.08'
Degrees, Minutes and Seconds28° 23' 10.92" S, 30° 36' 4.8" E
Driving DirectionsGoogle Maps
Closest Postal AddressAt or near Unnamed Road, KwaZulu-Natal , ZA
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