The Palace

The Palace (HM1QBZ)

Location: Ciudad de México, Distrito Federal 06900
Country: Mexico
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N 19° 27.043', W 99° 8.254'

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El Palacio

Este edificio fue llamado "El Palacio". Se trata de una estructura orientada al sur, que tiene una doble escalinata de acceso dividida por un dado central. Sobre su plataforma, había dos enormes columnas que formaban un amplio portal.En el interior, había un pequeño patio central con un altar y dos habitaciones de cada lado, mismas que estaban unidas por una pequeña banqueta. En la esquina suroeste hay una estructura formada por escalinatas concéntricas que fue llamado "El Baño"; al sureste, había una pequeñas habitación, pero hoy sólo quedan los peldaños de acceso y su piso de fino estuco. Dadas la pequeñas dimensiones y la ubicación, es muy probable que el edificio estuviera asociado al culto de los dioses del Templo Mayor: Tláloc y Huitzilopochtli. Pie de dibujos:Reconstrucción hipotética. Hoy sólo quedan pocas evidencias de esta construcción, sin embargo por los datos obtenidos durante las diversas investigaciones, se sabe que El Palacio tuvo muros de mampostería recubiertos de una capa de estuco y probablemente pintura mural. EnglishThis place was called "The Palace". It's a building structure to the south that has a double stairway divided by a central die. On its platform there were two enormous columns that formed a wide entrance hall.Inside its interior, there was a small central patio with an altar and two bedrooms on each side, the same that were connected by a small sidewalk. On the southwest corner lies a structure formed by a concentric staircase that was called "El Baño" (The Bathroom); to the southeast, there was a small room, but today only the entrance stairway and its fine stucco floor remains. Based on the small dimensions and the location it is very likely that the building was associated to the cult of the gods of the Great Temple ("El Templo Mayor"): Tláloc and Huitzilopochtli. English translation of captions: A hypothetical reconstruction.Today there are few remnants of the construction, however data from different research projects show that The Palace had walls made of stone and rubble covered with stucco that were painted with murals.
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Date Added Monday, January 4th, 2016 at 9:02am PST -08:00
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UTM (WGS84 Datum)14Q E 485560 N 2150705
Decimal Degrees19.45071667, -99.13756667
Degrees and Decimal MinutesN 19° 27.043', W 99° 8.254'
Degrees, Minutes and Seconds19° 27' 2.58" N, 99° 8' 15.24" W
Driving DirectionsGoogle Maps
Closest Postal AddressAt or near 1 Av. Ricardo Flores Magón, Ciudad de México Distrito Federal 06900, MX
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