Dedicated November 25, 2003 in memory of Lynnette Shore Ricketson, owner and caretaker of the Suwannee Democrat. She loved deeply, lived for those and the community she loved, gave freely of herself to those in need and believed a newspaper belongs to the people it serves, and its owners are only the caretakers.
On this site once stood the Suwannee Democrat, record keeper of the lives and times of Suwannee County residents and events since 1884, until Oct. 20, 1995, when it burned to the ground from a criminal act. True to tradition, no edition was missed and publication continues today.
J. Thomas Ricketson donated the Suwannee Democrat property toward development of the park.
Financial assistance for acquisition and development was provided by the City of Live Oak, Council for Progress of Suwannee County, Suwannee Democrat and Florida Department of Environment Protection through the Florida Recreation Development Assistance Program.
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