Did you know... A raindrop falling in the Meherrin River Watershed will travel over 200 miles before reaching the Atlantic?!
Watersheds are the collective web of tributaries and surrounding land draining to a common waterbody, such as a major river. For example, many streams drain into the Meherrin River watershed, empties into the Chowan River, Albemarle Sound, and finally the Atlantic. With this perspective, it is easy to see how one's actions can affect the watershed as a whole.
As raindrops run off the land, they can pick up pollutants from farming, logging and development which over time degrade water quality. However, smart farming practices help reduce nutrients, stream protection can prevent sediment erosion during logging, and tree planting around parking lots can increase rain absorption so less runoff occurs. Conservation of resources such as soil and water and the protection of wildlife are necessary to protect them for future generations.
The Meherrin is designated a Scenic River for the natural, recreational, and historical features within the river corridor. Safeguarding this watershed starts with people like you and groups like us!
We are the Albemarle-Chowan Watershed Roundtable, a group dedicated to protecting the beauty and serenity of the watershed. Visit our Roundtable website at www.acrwrt.org or snap the QR code below to learn how you can join tour efforts.
The Albemarle-Chowan Watershed Roundtable
The Chowan River Watershed
Watershed Wildlife
N. American River Otter Credit: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Marbled Salamander Credit: Virginia Herpetological Society
Chowanoke Crayfish Credit: Chris Lukhaup
Ebony Jewelwing Damselfly Credit: D. Gordon Robertson
Wood Duck Credit: Olaf Oliviero Reimer
Eastern Tiger Swallowtail Credit: Vicki's Nature
Roanoke Logperch Credit: Noel Burkhead
This project received funding from the Environmental Protection Agency's Section 319 Grant Program at the Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR), grant number 319-2012-P06-PT.
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