Crittenden's Corps
—Major General John M. Palmer —
Text on the First Tablet:
Palmer's Division .......... Crittenden's Corps.
Major General John M. Palmer.
September 20, 1863, until 5:45 P.M.
1st Brigade - Brigadier General Charles Cruft.
2nd Brigade - Brigadier General William B. Hazen.
3rd Brigade - Colonel William Grose.
The Division was formed on this line before daylight, with Johnson's Division on its left and Reynolds' on its right. Hazen's and Cruft's Brigades were on the front in double lines, the former on the right. Grose's Brigade was posted in reserve. The line was protected by hastily constructed barricades of logs and rails. At 9 o'clock Grose's Brigade, except the 23rd Kentucky which re-enforced Hazen's Brigade, proceeded to the left and took active part in repulsing the various attacks in that quarter, and suffered severely. About 2 P.M. it rejoined its Division and later replaced Hazen's Brigade on the front line, when the latter was dispatched westward of the Lafayette Road to Wood's position on Snodgrass Hill.
Text on the Second Tablet:
At 10 A.M. Cleburne's Division attacked Palmer's and Johnson's fronts, and Stewart assaulted simultaneously further to the right upon Reynold's and Brannan's fronts.
Both Confederate divisions were repulsed with heavy losses and thereafter did not again attack until near sunset, when Reynolds and Palmer were in the act of withdrawing. Cruft's and Grose's Brigades crossed to the middle of the Kelly Field in good order, at which point they became subjected to a heavy artillery fire by which Grose's Brigade was thrown into confusion but were not pursued into the forest. These brigades then proceeded at dusk to Rossville by way of McFarland's Gap. Hazen's Brigade withdrew at 7 P.M. with the forces from Snodgrass Hill.
The losses of the Division during the two days battle were: killed 134; wounded 1031; missing 203; total 1,368.
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