Alley of Matamoros Historical

Alley of Matamoros Historical (HM1UU5)

Location: Santiago de Querétaro, Querétaro 76000 Santiago de Querétaro
Country: Mexico
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N 20° 35.577', W 100° 23.7068242'

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Old Convent of Santa Clara

Callejon de MatamorosAntiguo Convento de Santa Clara
Este callejón, de encantos monjiles, es uno de los pocos vestigios de lo que fuera el espacioso Convento de Santa Clara de Jesús, considerado el más grande de la Ciudad, siendo también uno de los más ricos, ya que sus cuantiosas rentas permitían a las monjas vivir en casitas personales, en lugar de celdas, y disponer de la servidumbre necesaria.Era como una pequeña ciudad, que incluía diez capillas, calles, huerta, jardines y fuentes. El Convento fue construido ex profeso para albergar a la hija de Diego de Tapia, Luisa, con la que termina este linaje de origen otomi.
Alley of MatamorosOld Convent of Santa Clara
This narrow street is one of the few remaining vestiges of what was once the spacious Convent of Santa Clara de Jesus, considered the grandest in the city. It was also one of the richest. Its copious rents allowed the nuns to live in personal houses rather than cells and to have personal servants. Thus the convent was like a small city which included ten chapels, streets, orchards, and decorative gardens and fountains. The Convent was constructed to give a home to Luisa, the daughter of Diego de Tapia, who founded the Convent. With her the Otomi dynasty of Conin ended.
HM NumberHM1UU5
Marker ConditionNo reports yet
Date Added Tuesday, October 4th, 2016 at 5:01pm PDT -07:00
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UTM (WGS84 Datum)31N E 166021 N 0
Decimal Degrees20.59295000, -100.39511374
Degrees and Decimal MinutesN 20° 35.577', W 100° 23.7068242'
Degrees, Minutes and Seconds20° 35' 34.62" N, 100° 23' 42.409452" W
Driving DirectionsGoogle Maps
Closest Postal AddressAt or near 16B Mariano Matamoros, Santiago de Querétaro Querétaro 76000, MX
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