( south side )
Period of The
Civil War
1861 - 1865
Dedicated to the memory of our Civil War Veterans who so promptly and willingly responded to the nation's call serving in eleven different regiments and participating in over a hundred battles; and to our illustrious and renowned second war governor William Buckingham, who was born and spent his early life in Lebanon - - he performed efficient service in the nation's peril and was a worthy successor of Connecticut's first war governor.
1898 Spanish War 1898
In honor of those who served in the Spanish War, assisting an oppressed people to gain their independence.
( east side )
Period of The
Revolutionary War
1775 - 1783
In memoriam to our fathers who fought in the revolution for justice and liberty.
When the war broke out this town contributed the one loyal governor, Brother Jonathan Trumbull, who among all the governors of the thirteen colonies was the only one who stood staunch and true to the American cause. Washington relied on him in the most trying circumstances — William Williams, one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence, was born in Lebanon, the home of the Council of Safety - - We take a just pride in the noble achievements of our
men who served in the Revolution - - they were eminently God fearing and true Patriots.
Period of War
1812 - 1814
Revered is the memory of those who participated in the War of 1812 who with honor and loyalty fulfilled the trust dedicated to them by their fathers.
( west side )
Period of The
World War
1917 - 1919
In commemoration of the boys who served in the World War.
Not unmindful of their heritage the mantle of their fore fathers fell upon patriotic shoulders ... they acquitted themselves with honor and loyalty, cheerfully accepting the sacrifices placed upon them in performance of their duty on land and sea ... with no selfish end they served that the principle of right might be established through out the world.
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