Octavio S. Mondragón Guerra Historical

Octavio S. Mondragón Guerra Historical (HM1VMI)

Location: Santiago de Querétaro, Querétaro Santiago de Querétaro
Country: Mexico
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N 20° 35.552', W 100° 22.817'

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Dr. y Gral. Octavio S. Mondragón Guerra1908-2002Honorable y destacado queretano, caballeroso, leal a sus principios. Ministro plenipotenciario del gobierno de México. Gobernador de Querétaro de 1949-1955. Impulsó infinidad de obras de beneficio social, realizó el catastro, el Código Fiscal y actualizó el Código Penal. Fundador de la Universidad de Querétaro en enero de 1951. Pueblo y autoridades, le rinden este homenaje como reconocimiento a su extraordinaria labor. H. Ayuntamiento de Querétaro2003-2006.English translation:Dr. and GeneralOctavio S. Mondragón Guerra1908-2002Honorable and outstanding son of Querétaro, a gentleman, always loyal to his principles. Plenipotentiary Minister of the government of Mexico. Governor of Querétaro from 1949-1955. He created an infinity of social benefit projects, including the real estate registry, the Fiscal Code and updates to the Penal Code. He founded the University of Querétaro in January, 1951. The people and the authorities provide this tribute to him as a recognition of his extraordinary life's work. Honorable Municipality of Querétaro, 2003-2006
Year Placed2003
Placed ByHonorable Ayuntamiento de Querétaro 2003-2006
Marker ConditionNo reports yet
Date Added Saturday, November 12th, 2016 at 9:01am PST -08:00
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UTM (WGS84 Datum)14Q E 356152 N 2277662
Decimal Degrees20.59253333, -100.38028333
Degrees and Decimal MinutesN 20° 35.552', W 100° 22.817'
Degrees, Minutes and Seconds20° 35' 33.1200" N, 100° 22' 49.0200" W
Driving DirectionsGoogle Maps
Closest Postal AddressAt or near 148 Ejército Republicano, Santiago de Querétaro Querétaro , MX
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