Baylor's Farm

Baylor's Farm (HM1WJ)

Location: Hopewell, VA 23860
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N 37° 16.186', W 77° 19.101'

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Prelude to Petersburg

— Lee Vs. Grant - The 1864 Campaign —

Ordered to take Petersburg, Gen. William F. "Baldy" Smith directed Gen. Edward W. Hinks' division of African American soldiers to move from City Point toward the Cockade City. Hinks encountered unexpected Confederate resistance at Baylor's Farm in the early morning hours of June 15, 1864. Southern cavalrymen under Gen. James Dearing, supported by the Petersburg Artillery, had fortified an already strong position by constructing earthworks across City Point Road. Smith then commanded Hinks to attack this Confederate position.

Never before tested in battle, Hinks' black soldiers pressed forward with a shout, but a blast of "spherical case, canister and musketry" sent the attackers to the rear. Undaunted, the Federals regrouped and resumed the assault, led by the 22nd United States Colored Troops. Their gallant charge shattered by the Confederate line.

This minor engagement - less than two hours long and costing slightly more than 300 Union casualties out of 3500 participants - delayed Smith's advance on Petersburg. By defending its position at Baylor's Farm, the Confederate army gained the time it needed to strengthen Petersburg's defenses. The skirmish at Baylor's Farm also proved African American soldiers' willingness and ability to fight, qualities the Union army would rely on throughout the Petersburg campaign.

"?when the command was given to us, ?Charge bayonets! Forward double quick!' the black column rushed forward, raising the battle yell, and in a few moments more we mounted the rebel parapets. And to our great surprise, we found that the boasted Southern chivalry had fled?."
- Sgt. Major Milton M. Holland, U.S.C.T.
HM NumberHM1WJ
Series This marker is part of the Virginia Civil War Trails series
Placed ByVirginia Civil War Trails
Marker ConditionNo reports yet
Date Added Saturday, September 13th, 2014 at 1:15pm PDT -07:00
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UTM (WGS84 Datum)18S E 294438 N 4127318
Decimal Degrees37.26976667, -77.31835000
Degrees and Decimal MinutesN 37° 16.186', W 77° 19.101'
Degrees, Minutes and Seconds37° 16' 11.16" N, 77° 19' 6.06" W
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Area Code(s)804
Closest Postal AddressAt or near 4098 Oaklawn Blvd, Hopewell VA 23860, US
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