"La Española" Chapel Historical

"La Española" Chapel Historical (HM1WNR)

Location: Campeche, Campeche 24000 Campeche
Country: Mexico
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N 19° 50.773', W 90° 32.215'

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Ubicación de la Capilla Española del Siglo XVIen la Villa de San Francisco de Campeche; misma que contaba con: nave, sacristía y torre campanarioDiciembre de 2000Sello del UNESCO Patrimonio Mundial, Ciudad Histórica Fortificada de CampechePie de dibujo: Planta Arquitectónica/First FloorEnglish:Location of the XVI Century Spanish Chapelof San Francisco de Campeche's Ville, same that consisted of: nave, sacristy and bellfry towerDecember, 2000Seal of UNESCO World Heritage, Historic Fortified City of CampecheCaption: Architectural layout/First Floor
Series This marker is part of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization series
Year Placed2000
Marker ConditionNo reports yet
Date Added Saturday, January 28th, 2017 at 1:02pm PST -08:00
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UTM (WGS84 Datum)15Q E 757962 N 2196347
Decimal Degrees19.84621667, -90.53691667
Degrees and Decimal MinutesN 19° 50.773', W 90° 32.215'
Degrees, Minutes and Seconds19° 50' 46.3800" N, 90° 32' 12.9000" W
Driving DirectionsGoogle Maps
Which side of the road?Marker is on the right when traveling East
Closest Postal AddressAt or near 177 Calle 8, Campeche Campeche 24000, MX
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