Con ocasion del XXV aniversario de haberseeregido como parroquia y como homenaje a los esfuerzos y a la generosa donación delterreno en que se edifico esta iglesia loscolonos dedican esta placa al Sr. Don Manuel Diaz Guevarareconociendo sus 18 años que conjuntamente con el Sr. Pbro. Filiberto Carrillo Garcia eIng. Alfonso Macedo Rivas. Dedicaron paralograr que esta obra se realizaraQueretaro, Qro., 29 de agosto de 1994. English translation:On the occasion of the 25th anniversary of becoming a parish and as a tribute to the efforts and the generous donation of the land on which this church was built, the parishioners dedicate this marker to Manuel Diaz Guevara who, together with Father Filiberto Carrillo Garcia and the Engineer Alfonso Macedo Rivas, worked for 18 years to achieve this goal. Querétaro, Querétaro, August 29, 1994.Copyright 2017 , all rights reserved for the translation unless otherwise noted.
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