Land-based activities affect water quality and quantity. For that reason, it is important that we make good decisions about our day to day actions.
Dry stacks prevent poultry manure from entering streams.
Silt fences prevent erosion from construction sites.
Agriculture Over-application of fertilizer or improper management of animal waste can cause water quality to suffer. Visit your local Soil and Water Conservation District, Natural Resource Conservation Service, or Alabama Cooperative Extension office to find out how you can be a better steward of the land.
Development and Construction When land is covered with pasture or forest, water can filter into the ground. When the ground is covered with concrete and asphalt, it cannot. Water rushes into streams and pollutants are not filtered out. Consider using low impact development practices. For more info visit www.
Residential Landscaping What and where you choose to plant in your yard can influence how much water, pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizer you need to use. Follow the guide, Alabama's Smart Yards, to protect water quality, conserve water, and save money. Get a copy of this guide online or from your local Alabama Cooperative Extension System office
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