Rompecabezas arquitectónico: la fachada del TecpanDurante la construcción de la unidad habitacional Tlatelolco, los arquitectos decidieron desprender la fachada principal del Tecpan, retirándolo por partes. Luego, la volvieron a armar para incorporarla como fachada secundaria del convento.
La fachada de dos niveles es típica del siglo XVIII y gracias a la gran piedra conmemorativa que logró conservarse en el edificio, sabemos que fue en el año de 1776 cuando el Virrey Antonio María Bucareli mandó a remozar el edificio igual que la iglesiaAunque se buscaba embellecer el edificio y sin duda significó un reto arquitectónico, lo cierto es que con dichas obras se perdió mucho de su valor histórico. Pie de dibujo:El Colegio de la Santa Cruz durante el montaje de la fachada que perteneció al Tecpan.English:Architectonic puzzle: The façade of TecpanDuring the construction of the Tlatelolco housing complex, the architects decided to take off the main facade of Tecpan, removing it by parts. Later, they put it together again to incorporate is as a secondary convent façade.The two-level façade is typical of century XVIII, and thanks to the great commemorative stone that was able to be turned into a building, we know that it was in the year 1776 that Viceroy Antonio
María Bucareli ordered the building revamped as well as the church.Although the intent was to beautify the building, which was without a doubt an architectonic challenge, the truth is that much was of its historic value was lost with said works. Caption:The College of the Holy Cross during the mounting of the facade that belonged to the Tecpan.
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