The wetland complex you see before you is a cooperative venture proposed and designed by the Wyoming Game and Fish Department, engineered by the Soil Conservation Service and funded by Peter Storer and the Storer Foundation through the Ducks Unlimited MARSH donor program and the City of Cheyenne, Stage II Wetland Mitigation Fund. This project was completed in the spring of 1992. The project is a small, but costly, step towards offsetting the catastrophic losses of wetlands occurring in North America and around the world.
The project was designed to improve resting and nesting habitat for waterfowl and water birds and provide yearlong habitat for wetland associated mammals. This objective was accomplished by creating additional open water area through a series of dikes and ditches and improving water management capabilities by constructing and redesigning water control structures.
The project site hosts a wide variety of birds including white-faced ibis, American white pelican, osprey, American bittern, snowy egret, marsh wren, great-blue heron, Canada geese and locally common species of ducks. Muskrats, mink and raccoons use the marshes and wetlands and species such as mule deer, pronghorn and red fox can be found on the upland areas.
The area is open to the public year-round. However, best wildlife viewing
opportunities occur during the spring when the greatest number of migrant birds are visiting the area, and late summer and early fall, when young mammals and birds are old enough to become active.
During your visit please remember that this area is home to the animals you see here. Respect their privacy by causing as little disturbance as possible to them and their habitat.
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