El H. Ayuntamiento del Municipio deHuimilpan, Administración 2015-2018, devela esta Placa Conmemorativa del:Centenariode la Constitución Política de losEstados Unidos Mexicanos1917-2017"Primero el pueblo de México libre y soberano; que luego venga la Constitución progresista que sirva efectivamente al primero"...Ignacio RamírezHuimilpan, Querétaro 5 de Febrero de 2017English translation: The Honorable Town Hall of the Municipality of Huimilpan, Administration of 2015-2018, unveils this Commemorative Plaque of the:Centennial of the Political Constitution of the United Mexican States1917-2017 "First the people of Mexico become free and sovereign, after that the progressive Constitution is created that effectively serves the people" ... Ignacio Ramírez Huimilpan, Querétaro, February 5, 2017
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