What Plants Do You Eat?
It's no secret that humans depend on plants for food. But, have you ever thought about what parts of the plant that you are eating? Take a look at the six basic plant parts:
Seeds, Roots, Stems, Leaves, Flowers and Fruits
Now guess what plant parts the ingredients for delicious Bean Burritos with Salsa come from:
Flour Tortilla, Beans, Lettuce, Onions, Cheese
(hint: cheese does not come directly from a plant, but from a plant-fed animal.)
Tomatoes, Cilantro, Hot Peppers
Lunch challenger:
What food plants do you see growing in this garden? Can you identify what part you might eat? What plant parts are used in your favorite meal?
Did you know... "eating like a rainbow" means to include a variety of colorful fruits and vegetables in every meal? Try to eat like a rainbow to help your body grow and be strong.
Outdoor Play...It's Good For You!
First hop like a bunny, jump like a frog, and fly like a bee.
Next float like a dandelion seed, slither like a snake,
flutter like a butterfly and twirl like a falling leaf!
Playing and learning outdoors helps you to be creative,
increase strength, reduce stress and connect
with the natural
world around you!
Did you know... Vitamin D comes from good healthy foods such as dairy products, fish, cereals and eggs? When parts of your body, including the arms, legs, and torso, are exposed to at least 15 minutes of natural sunlight the sun's rays help Vitamin D to be absorbed and blend into our bodies. Playing outdoors is the best way to absorb Vitamin D.
Lunch/Recess Challenge: Get into the action...balance, jump, walk and move your body for the next 10 minutes!
As you move through this garden can you find the animal that lays an egg?
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