Named for Abner Weed, Founder of Weed, CA
Twin cylinder Corliss steam engine supplied total power for Long-Bell Lumber Company's sawmilll, Weed. CA from 1917 thru 1964 (Long-Bell was acquired by International Paper). Seven boilers burning sawmill residue furnished steam to the twin 22 inch by 36 inch cylinders. Specifications: Engine Horsepower - 2000, Thrust 128,000 pounds. Weight 116,000 pounds. Bed Weight 572,500 pound. Flywheel dia. 12 feet. Width 80 inches. Weight 30,000 pounds. Belt Length 227 feet. Width 80 inches. Speed 4900 feet/min. 3 ply leather from 639 cowhides. Replace by electric motors and retired to logging museum in 1974. A Gift of International Paper Co. , Cap Collier and Friends.
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