Emory Finch, the son of Hoodsport pioneers, moved into Interrorem with his new bride Maybelle Peterson on their wedding day, April 22. 1908. Like her husband, she saw at home in the outdoors. The couple met when she and two friends came over from Seattle to camp and were cautioned by "Ranger Finch" about their large campfire!
Although women were not among the field ranks of the early Forest Service, Rangers' wives often served as assistants, issuing permits and providing information when their husbands were away.
Maybelle's chores included washing clothes on a scrub board, baking bread on her wood stove, making her own soap and butter, ironing with flat irons heated on the wood stove, gardening, collecting berries, and canning salmon and fruit.
Occasionally, there was a welcome visit with friends and relatives.
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