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Omicron Delta Kappa, the national leadership honor society, was founded at Washington and Lee University in 1914. Sigma Circle at the University of Maryland College Park was founded in 1927. Its purpose is to recognize leadership of exceptional quality in five fields of endeavor: scholarship: athletics; campus or community service; social, religious activities and campus government; journalism, speech and the mass media; creative and performing arts. The "ΟΔΚ idea" is to bring together faculty and students on the basis of mutual interest and understanding, and to help mold the sentiment of the institution on important local and intercollegiate issues, exemplary character, responsible leadership and service in campus and community life, superior scholarship, genuine fellowship, and consecration to democratic ideals are the five indispensable qualifications for membership. ΟΔΚ emphasizes the development of the complete person who contributes positively to the college community and to a better society.
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Omicron Delta Kappa
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This fountain, constructed in 1989 as apart of the renovation of McKeldin Mall is dedicated to the members of the Sigma Circle of the Omicron Delta
Kappa Society at the University of Maryland. Recognizing their many contributions to the campus and the community since 1927. The fountain has five levels of cascading water which symbolize the five areas of leadership recognized by Omicron Delta Kappa
· Scholarship
· Journalism, speech and the mass media
· Athletics
· Creative and performing arts
· Camus or community service, social, religious activities and campus government.
The names of those who have been initiated into or who have provided significant leadership with the Sigma Circle of OKD as undergraduate students, graduate students, faculty, staff or honorary members are engraved hereon, assembled by date of their induction or first involvement. Membership includes several governors, generals, professional athletes, members of Congress, and one U.S. President. The "ODK idea" is symbolized by a circular key at the east end of the fountain. Characterizing the diverse and inclusive nature of the organization and standing for success achieved in worthy undertakings. The generosity of alumni and friends who gave funds to enable this monument is gratefully acknowledged.
September 1, 1996
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"I know of no greater collegiate honor than being elected into Omicron Delta Kappa."
President Franklin
D. Roosevelt
on being initiated by Sigma Circle of ΟΔΚ
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"A true leader is not a searcher for consensus but a molder of consensus."
Martin Luther King, Jr.
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