...at last to proclaim a true and absolute Soul-Freedom to all the people of the land impartially, so that no person be forced to pray nor pay, otherwise than as his Soul believeth and consenteth.
Roger Williams, from Butler's Fourth Paper (1652)
Roger Williams
Traders earned a living trading English goods with native peoples. Quite often, unfortunately, neither side completely understood the true nature of the deal.
Thomas Angell
The town clerk kept the official public records and recorded court and legislative events.
Alice Daniels
Apothecaries were the equivalent of today's pharmacist, preparing and selling herbal medicines as well as special wines, tobacco, and confections.
Roger Williams built his home and laid out the settlement's first home lots up the hill to your right. Williams offered equal allotments of land to all settlers, paving the way for democratic voting. Unusual for the time, two of the original nine home lots were owned by women, Alice Daniels and the Widow Margery Reeve. Much was done differently in Providence compared to other European settlements. Living here, Williams and his fellow dissidents were reminded daily of their "livelie experiment."
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